Grail Priestess
Is There Something More?...

…Something MORE aligned, more enriching and more fulfilling than what you are doing right now?  

Something that is perhaps the HIGHEST calling of your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul (that could then even lead to a freedom based lifestyle & resources to live out your highest timeline)?

Are you called to something BEYOND the limits of coaching or personal growth that is far more enriching in satisfaction, recognition, magic and soulful impact? …Something of divine service. 

Are you already serving as ‘something more’ or dabbling in things – but are seeking something deeper and most fully aligned?  Something that will require you to do even greater sacrifice and rebirth?

Authentic Priestess-hood may be that which you are seeking…and now may be the time that you are receiving codes, re-activating and perhaps getting re-initiated back INTO service from previous lifetimes. 

Not just anyone can just be a sacred priestess of temple arts – especially a rarer Reunified aka ‘Grail’ Priestess, yet now is the time for something entirely different than the post-modern empowerment of Western women. 

Yes; the divine feminine has been suppressed for eons, but there is so much more archetypally speaking than the limits of post-modern ideology. There is ANCIENT Remembrance and magic in Reunified Feminine and Priestess lines. 

You may sense that there is more than just vengeance against the shadow aspects of the masculine (for much of the masculine is fractured and left behind as well from the benevolent Kings we are missing).

There are different priestess lineages, but the specific intention of this website is to give you more insight to simply contemplate this cross-roads of where you are at in your soul path and dharma right now – especially as it relates to the more rare form of Priestess-hood;

That of Grail Priestess and Her Kingmaking abilities.

So; the BIG question is…

"What IS a Grail Priestess?"

A Grail Priestess is a Reunified Priestess and the Ultimate Kingmaker.

Living in alignment and from training and experience; she is a woman with Reunified (Sacred Union) codes and alchemical beauty essence in active, professional, multi-dimensional Service to others. 

Chances are (more specifically); this means she is either a Rose line (Magdalenic) Priestess, Sophia Priestess or the most rare; a Muse Priestess. A bridge of the Sacred Feminine TO the common, mortal man. A True Kingmaker; She has the calling and ability to do great transformational magic with men when other men wouldn’t.

But Before we go further, you might be wondering
"Why is a man speaking about Priestess?"

Yes, it is a man here..Rion Kati. The short answer?: 

Because this isn’t about Sister-Priestess, Goddess circles or Goddess-Priestess. 

Those have their place and may be the path for others; however, Reunified Grail Priestesses are inter-twined with the Divine Masculine in all dimensions. 

Men, polarity, masculine values, masculine spirit, archetypes and qualities are simply part of Sacred Reunification.

I have been directly on a path of Sacred Union for almost 20 years through MANY initiations in the ancient Muse lineage (as well as ancient Qigong and Tantric lineages supportively) and I now train a lineage of Grail Priestesses, but you can discover more about me later.

"How is a 'Grail Priestess' Different Than Any Other Priestess?"

The ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ book delves into this much more, but a Grail Priestess carries Communion codes with the Divine Masculine; God the Father, God the Lover, God the King and can relate to other Masculine immortal archetypes.

She loves the best of men, what they can become and knows that MORE healthy, divine masculine is the answer – not less. It isn’t possible for her to hold the post-modern feminist archetype as a cultural response to shadow masculine – because it counters ancient, deeper and divine truths.

A Grail Priestess is reunified within herself with Sophia, Muse or Rose codes whether she has a mortal partner or not. She is in love with the immortal masculine and has healed trauma and wounding such that she is a ‘grail’ of supreme multi-dimensional value to the masculine. She is a bridge of the divine to the masculine spirit within men whereas other priestesses are often only about their own feminine exploration or earthly magic.

There are other priestess lines, but reunified or ‘grail’ lines are less common…This also means that tantra dakinis in general who are in service to the masculine are NOT necessarily reunified yet a Grail Priestess could also serve (or be serving) as a tantra dakini (sexual healer).

"What is Sacred Reunification or 'Hieros Gamos'?"

‘Sacred Reunification’ usually refers to a path of devotional and alchemical reunification with the opposite polarity of your predominant soul essence. It can also be referred to as ‘sacred union’ or ‘hieros gamos’.

Hieros Gamos is referred to in ancient Greek as ‘Sexual Union of God and Goddess (consciousness)’. Hierogamy more specifically is conscious sexual communion and reunification in the more explicit act of multi-dimensional love-making with a yoked partner.

A tantric path can be a path to Communion however in most cases it is mired with distortion or mortal architecture.

Authentic hierogamic Sacred Union is similar yet practically a very different experience than even conscious loving or twin flame-ship because of the foundational architecture. A devotee on the path may never end up experiencing hierogamy itself b/c it requires a worthy and yoked partner and more of the focus is on the devotional cultivation and faith of Communion with the God the King and Lover aspects.

Instead of a personalized king or queen or husband and wife (ie.) making love in the bedroom between interpersonal aspects of fragmented consciousness; Hieros Gamos is already the crystalized multi-dimensional Communion of God and Goddess the Lover, King and Queen or in Sophianic principle; of Christos-Sophia consciousness.


Most relationships have a mortal, inter-personal and inter-soulful (at best) commitment and attachment whereas Christos-Sophia is immortal devotional consciousness.

Most love-making in history is closer to inter-personal and inter-physical intercourse rather than cosmic consciousness of the higher Spirit of God and Goddess reunifying in Great Remembrance (a la Christos-Sophia or the heretical concept of Mary Magdalene and Christ as Lovers).


A Grail Queen or Grail Priestess has this Reunified encoding and consciousness with God the Lover, Father and King thus is able to attune and help other men step into the Remembrance of Reunification and worthiness of Communion in relation to a grail. A Grail Priestess often serves as a proxy for the quality of woman he might attract as he embodies his divine masculine, his worthiness (also a solution to being a Sugar Daddy) and Grail Kingship.

"What are the Prime Differences Between Sophia, Rose-Magdalene & Muse?"

The book delves into this MUCH further, but of these 3 source Reunified Grail lines; Sophia is known as the source Feminine God aspect; the Feminine spiritual polarity and Truth of God the Mother. 

(Mother Earth ‘Gaia’ more specifically is our material mother earth which could be mythically seen as a physical daughter of Sophia).

Muse and Priestess could also be seen as source fractal ancient daughter lineages of Sophia. These 3 lines go back 1000s of years into recorded history.

Priestess is a fractal archetype of applied divine feminine powers, healing, magic and service.

Muse is an ancient reunified meta-physical archetypal fractal (and thus lineage) from source feminine consciousness. She is the dance-friendly daughter of Sophia and is the Queen of the Arts, Music & Celebration.

"What IS the Holy Grail?"

The 3 Ancient Grail Lines of Sophia, Muse and Rose represent immense and heretical divine feminine power (powers that could have toppled the church). The Calling of the Kingmaker book really dives into this perspectiving, but to just give an appetizer;

Instead of the metaphorical and literal ‘cup’ of eternal life as literalized in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade’s quest for the grail;

Consider that Reunification and literally ‘Communion’ is what the divine masculine is seeking. This is also related to the core mother womb wound at birth; he seeketh reclamation with the feminine and will do many things to appease her in hopes of reunification and proving his worth. 

Camille Paglia talks about this Apollonian dynamic with the feminine whereas a woman knows her biological identity from her first period. 

Millions of men today are suffering and left behind because of the social, cultural, religious, sexual and spiritual dis-avowment and castration from Feminine principle (esp. divine feminine, sacred principle). 

This is reflected in the shadow extremes of tyrannical patriarchy (the shadow parts of it) as well as incels, rape culture, etc. Many men end up compromising while the social and sexual status of women flourishes. 

We are ending up in a resenting, power-game world of Queens and Diva-Queens without worthy Kings and meanwhile the tyrant masculine thrives, controls and oppresses instead of the Reunified renaissance we could all be living in with Sex and Spirit as Unified.

Mankind still seeketh the holy grail and something more than just Fatherly re-union. Now consider that throughout the ages of religious order, Communion was represented as Reunification with the Holy Father & Son/Daughter aspect; literally the ritual was named ‘Communion’ in Judeo-Christian, Catholic lines.

What is otherwise suppressed? Communion between the Masculine and Feminine; God the Lover and Goddess or Christos-Sophia…this is far too heretical for most religion to acknowledge and yet the QUEST of the masculine spirit throughout the ages is seeking what?

Sexual, Spiritual and Soulful Reunification (of God consciousness) with the Feminine (not to take away from the Holy Father aspect however); thus Reunified Queens and Reunified (Grail) Priestesses are in large part the source ‘bridge’ of consciousness able to awaken and reunify the God-aspect within a man proving his worth and Remembrance as King, Lover…

A Grail Priestess AS a Holy Grail herself (and transcendant of the shadow limitations of modern ideology and programming); she is filled with reunified codes, consciousness and immortal beauty essence (more about who she is than what she does) – serves as a proxy to help a man REUNIFY his Christic, God-consciousness, spirit, sex and soul not only from fracture with all feminine aspects but to cultivate his own Grail Kingship and for God to know itself with and through Him.

It’s a big subject to contemplate so explore more in the book itself because there were temple Grail Priestesses going back 1000’s of years in Mesopotamia that would initiate King powers.

"How is a Priestess Different Than a Queen?"

(Putting aside that there CAN be Priestess-Queens);

She is profoundly different even when you qualify a Queen as Grail/Reunified – there are still profound differences.

Most Queens are all about themselves, THEIR King and perhaps their empire. Not only that; many modern Queens are operating from distorted or shadow archetypal templates ie. Bitch-Queen, Diva-Queen, Shadow-Queen, etc. and its divorce from most masculine souls.

Even in healthiest Queen examples; their King is personalized to them and few people outside of their court are allowed access to their time or energy. 

They generally aren’t coded to share their divine energies with other men or to be a King-maker for anyone other than Communion with and through their mortalized King-partner.

Other men don’t get access and feel she’s far above them and aloof.

A Priestess however (and with Her giving, divine service); is a bridge of the Divine Feminine to the more common man.



By and large; priestessing is non-religious sacred feminine service much due to the historical reality that women and the feminine in many ways posed a real threat to the established patriarchal religious orders, thus priestessing has been outlawed and earthier forms of it have literally been burned at the stake.

With Grail Priestessing; The Divine Feminine becomes accessible to men who would NEVER likely gain direct access. This means everything for their hopes of Reunification and achieving/experiencing/finding the Holy Grail.

Instead of the regal, walled court and verboten inner circle like a Queen; a Priestess has Temple space where even the forsaken and decrepid (with qualification and discernment) are welcome. 

                     A Queen would never.

Even a Grail Queen is unlikely to give or share her energies intimately with other men even though millions of them are disavowed and suffering in connection with Divine Feminine principle and its healing, nurturing consciousness (including Mother aspects).

This also means that Reunified-Queens who are in divine partnership with the sacred masculine (and that aspect within their partner) are also disconnected from serving the millions and millions of men who are still out there feeling disavowed.

This difference is profound when you consider the masculine fracture and castration with the divine feminine (AND how outlawed and suppressed divine feminine service is from popular religious perspective).



A Priestess however serves (yet with discretion) whether she is in a partnership or not and can take on ALL versatile and dynamic aspects of the divine feminine as necessary. She can do the energetically intimate work with clients outside of the boundary of her partnership (albeit with agreements).

So; it’s something to really contemplate….Are you wired more towards attracting your own private King and the comfort, security and bliss that could bring?

Or are you called to reunify with God the Father (first foundationally as Divine Daughter & Princess) and then mature into Union with God the King-Lover?

Are you wired primarily for serving the divine masculine in other men (like as a Kingmaker) because you are so authentically attuned and in love?…or are you still vengeful towards the shadow aspects of man that have betrayed you (and holding this and the shelling in your system as an ’empowered’ woman)?…And if so – is this fatiguing out your system?

Yes; it’s possible you could have the best of both (partnered and serving), but it’s not a normal path. It would require a partner that would understand your soul path…

And if you are IN a relationship right now; how would these dynamics play out of serving other men (whether they are partnered or not)? Because there IS a great market demand….even looking at the industry of escorting; most men pay for the ‘girlfriend’ experience in a transactional fashion. Imagine that a personal priestess could attune him into his king-ship without ever having to get physical with him sexually.

So that’s all something to consider as well.

If you ARE in a current relationship; would he be too jealous or controlling if you are meant to serve the divine masculine in other men? Because for a lot of men, it would be. All things to contemplate…

Perhaps you have past lifetime experience as a Temple Priestess…

Do you have codes for Sophia, Muse & Priestess?

Any or just one perhaps?…

Do you have more questions?...

Is all of this reaching part of you and is something deep within you calling for more?

Then, I would just dive into the book itself if you just want to get more insights and clarity about such a Reunified and/or Priestess path.  

The book also references sources of contact for these lineages (with the unlisted exemption of The Rose Lineage and others that may be added in a future update).

And btw; it’s kind of rare for a woman to have codes for all 3 of the prime reunified lineages. 

                  Here are some more questions;

   (Be honest in your self-assessment to help with clarity)

*Are you inspired by the masculine and ready to serve or closer to post-modern feminist and/or filled with possibly toxic trauma and attachments from past experiences with the masculine (understandable as they may be)?

*Do you feel a calling to work with men and/or serve the divine masculine in your fullest Feminine embodiment, magic and expression or is there far too much of a road to go through yet towards reunification itself?

*Are you still caught in the ‘twin flame’ trap soul mate cycle or perhaps closer to a sugar baby looking for transactional relationships instead of soul-fully founded ones?

*Is attracting a partner and having that fulfilling relationship as a Queen more of a prime value than serving other men as a kingmaker?

*Do you have religious or moralistic value conflicts around sharing your energies and gifts intimately with other men (like in a transformational and king-making way)? How about with your current partner dynamic if you are in one?

*Are you more comfortable in group environments than working 1-on-1 with men?

*Are there unhealed trauma aspects or security issues around working 1-on-1 with men?

*Would you be comfortable working 1-on-1 with men assuming it was safe temple space?

*Do you have a deeper calling to step into this kind of work? Which lineage aligns the most? Is it a Reunified lineage or another form of Priestess work that maybe isn’t so inter-related with the divine masculine?

*Do you have experience as a healer or priestess in other ways?

*Are you wanting to live a freedom based lifestyle through all of this or is it more of a self-study or even hobby?

*Is it more aligned to just be around other female priestesses, sisters and goddesses or to step out into soul service with the divine masculine within men?

With millions of men disavowed experientially from the divine feminine; a Grail Priestess is a prime future bridge and iconic role spiritually, sexually (even without ever getting intimate like this with clients) and culturally for HEALING THE WORLD on the front lines, creating Renaissance and supporting Ascension.

More questions? If so, then I’d just grab the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ book below and dive in! You may want to have a journal actively handy for when new breakthroughs and codes occur.

                Get the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker‘ book here (free for now).

(Download the 183 page ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ book. It’s filled with rich codes from 3 source Feminine fractal lineages; Sophia, Muse and Priestess (as well as heretical inquisition that counters religious tradition – for your soul path contemplation at this juncture).

To read 100’s of testimonials and to discover more about Rion Kati please visit his main website @

(Generally Rion only schedules free calls with women highly pre-qualified for his Priestess training program or Allure Makeover Package prospects). 

Please go through the book first and/or reach out to him on chat. Rion’s Powerliminal attunements are popular with women in the Sophia line.

Paid activations are also available on Sexy Chi, but the book may be your next step. Grab it at the link above or below!

Rion Kati on Facebook

(Follow, friend request, DM or read past wall posts)

(Many past posts are all around archetypes, beauty, muse, activations, consciousness and priestessing – more available to friends only).

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